Cade Rice

Family ties run deep, and the proof is in Cade’s genetic makeup.  His dad, Matlock; granddad, Sonny; uncle Boyd; great uncles, Ronnie and Raymond; and cousins, Tarin, Tatum, and Tag, all train cutting horses for a living; and his brother, Casey, trains horses as well.   One would think that Cade was destined to become a cutting horse trainer also, but he had other ideas.
Cade grew up riding cutting horses under the direction of Matlock and Sonny.  He was in the arena every day, riding colts, roping, cutting, or whatever needed to be done.  He learned a strong work ethic at an early age, rising early and working until the day’s work was complete.  Any spare time was devoted to preparing for rodeo events.  He competed in National Cutting Horse Association affiliates and the Texas High School Rodeo Association cuttings, and advanced to the THSRA Cutting State Finals every year, and the National High School Rodeo Cutting Finals as well.  Cade added steer wrestling as one of his rodeo events during his freshman year of high school, and before long, he became a force to contend with in the bull dogging. 
But roping was what Cade loved.  He watched team roping videos every night before falling asleep, and began his day studying the videos before he went to school.  Casey and Cade had roped together for years, beginning with the roping dummy as little boys.  In fact, as a toddler, Cade often went to bed with a rope in his hand and a hat on his head.  His mom had to pry the rope from his hands after he was asleep.  The brothers continued to compete in the team roping together while in high school, with Casey roping the horns and Cade cleaning the runs up on the heel side, advancing to the THSRA State Finals each year they roped together. 
Graduating in 2007 from Bellville High School, Cade was granted a full scholarship to rodeo in college, first at Wharton County Junior College, then continuing on to finish his degree at Sam Houston State University.  His rodeo events included team roping, steer wrestling, and occasionally calf roping.  While at WCJC, Cade earned the Southern Region All Around title, as well as the MVP award for the WCJC Rodeo Team.  In the Fall of 2009, Cade transferred to SHSU, with rodeo again paying his way to college.  While there, Cade advanced to the College National Finals Rodeo in both team roping and steer wrestling.  In 2011, he and the SHSU Men’s Rodeo Team brought home the coveted title of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association Championship for the first time in 45 years. 
After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Science and a minor in Equine Science from SHSU in 2011, Cade began his first job away from Rice Ranch.  He accepted a horse training opportunity from Corky and Brenda Weeks, and moved to Cotulla, Texas.  Cade was given the responsibility of training the young horses, as well as the horses in roping training.  “Corky and Brenda treated me like family, and helped lay the foundation for my horse training career.”  After a couple of years, Cade felt the desire to train roping horses professionally.  He interviewed for a job opening with Clay Logan in Granbury, Texas, was hired, and so began his professional team roping career on February 1, 2013.  
Cade and Clay worked side by side for seven years.  “Clay taught me so much about training rope horses.  He helped build my confidence in showing and gave me the opportunity to show at the AQHA shows.”   Cade improved his training and roping skills, and won several titles while with Clay, including the American Paint Horse Association Calf Roping title, and his first American Quarter Horse Association Junior Heeling World Championship in 2018 aboard his own gelding, Dual Badger Cat, also known as “Jericho.” “That win was very special.  It came down to me and Clay left to win the World title and the Reserve Championship.  I was honored and humbled to win it.” 
In late 2018, Cade found his soul mate, Denni Silveira and the two became a team.  They were engaged in November 2019, and will be married in October of this year. Together, they purchased property in Lipan in the fall of 2019, and with Denni’s encouragement, Cade hung out his shingle and began his own horse training operation, “Cade Rice Performance Horses,” in April 2020, specializing in training team roping horses and two year olds.   “I owe so much to my dad and grandpa for the upbringing and the work ethic that was instilled in me.  I learned to work hard for what I want, and not expect anything to be given.  The horse training knowledge that I gained while working with them is absolutely invaluable.  I owe Corky a great debt for trusting me and giving me a start, and then of course, I’m indebted to Clay for the experience, responsibility, and expertise that he has taught me through the last 7 years.  I have met some wonderful mentors and friends who have encouraged me while showing at the AQHA shows.  I’m looking forward to seeing them and competing against them for many years to come.”
Cade continues, “Denni and I are excited to step out on our own.  I’m not afraid of hard work, or sweat; it’s been ingrained in me to give my all in whatever I do.  The same can be said for Denni.  She has helped me every step of the way and I’m forever grateful for her lifelong dedication to me and our business.  She, and my deep faith in God, will help our business to prosper.  I promise honesty and integrity in my business dealings, and will do my best with every horse that I have in training.  Please contact me if we can help with your horse training needs in any way.”
Philippians 4:13:  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.